
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Clouds of Judgement

Anger billows up inside me
Causing a cloud of judgement to rise
I want to spit some angry words
That will help my cause go forth
But in a flash, I know, I do.
Anger will only push it back.

I don't like poetry.

I need to write a poem
I truly don’t know why
Poems really make me yawn
I think I’ll go and cry.

I wake up every morning
And every time I do
I’m reminded of the dread I feel
My poetry is due!

I’ve really avoided it this time
I honestly didn’t want to
But alas I decided to write this poem
To give you as a clue.

I really don’t like poetry
Do I have to tell you once more?
This poem really taxed me
It has been quite a bore.  

Now this poem is over
Nothing more is to it
Never will I write another

I think I might just lose it.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dawn is Dancing

Above us see the blue blue sky
Clouds glow as sun passes by
See the clouds with a pinkish hue
I love when dawn dances, don't you?
The sun peeks up behind the mountains
Giving me her warmth
Above us see the blue blue sky
As the world around transforms


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The boy who didn't want to go to bed

We laughed at his joke once more
Giggling as we watched him soar
He tackled me on top of the couch
I do't wanna go to be," he pouts
I give him one last tickle then tuck him in bed
"Just one story pretty pleeeaaasee?" he said
I turned he last page and saw him asleep
A peck on his cheek, out of the room I creep.

Tell me what you think!

Over the Bridge

This is a poem I wrote, and it has alternate endings.  Read both and tell me which one you like more :D

Hand in hand we go over the bridge
We stop and step up to observe the river
Swiftly, softly moving along
We watch the sun set and start to shiver
We cuddle up in a blanket so quickly
And watch as the river stays awake
Even when the world surrounding sleeps

*iPhone in hand, it's a selfie we take
*Of life's glorious beauty we partake
